
Virtual DOM

The Virtual DOM is a concept pioneered by React but since duplicated in other places including in its own library. With Virtual DOM, rather than modifying the DOM directly (or through some library), you create a set of JavaScript objects that represent the DOM that you would like. A simplistic example might be something like this

   nodeType: "DIV",
   className: "container hero",
   children: [
      nodeType: "H1",
      chidren: [
          nodeType: "TEXT",
          textContents: "Welcome!!!",

When rendering, this model gets modified (and is often regenerated fully) by application code and passed to a diffing algorithm to identify what needs to change. These changes are then passed to the library which applies them to the DOM.

The Virtual DOM is therefore:

This approach can have significant peformance benefits as the library can optimize rendering in ways that browsers would have difficulty with; for example by batching changes together or chosing to not apply a change if it is undone by one further along in the batch.

Virtual DOM is also known for granting code-maintainability benefits. Typically the Virtual DOM is immutable and regenerated fully every time any change is made. Therefore, at its heart, all of rendering is a single function that transforms an input of application state to a Virtual DOM tree. This statelessness can make debugging and testing of rendering code very straightforward as you only need to consider the input and output, not any previously rendered states.

A final benefit, is that since the Virtual DOM representation is just JavaScript, it can be output in formats other than a sequence of DOM manipulations. For example isomorphic JavaScript will render it as an HTML string which can be returned from a web request with the client-side app effectively “running” on the server (useful for loading the first page as rapidly as possible or for clients with JavaScript disabled).