
Module Pattern

In software engineering, the module pattern is a design pattern used to implement the concept of software modules, defined by modular programming, in a programming language with incomplete direct support for the concept.

This pattern can be implemented in several ways depending on the host programming language, such as the singleton design pattern, object-oriented static members in a class and procedural global functions.


The module software design pattern provides the features and syntactic structure defined by the modular programming paradigm to programming languages that have incomplete support for the concept.

Module Pattern structure


In software development, source code can be organized into components that accomplish a particular function or contain everything necessary to accomplish a particular task. Modular programming is one of those approaches.

The concept of a “module” is not fully supported in many common programming languages.


In order to consider that a Singleton or any group of related code implements this pattern, the following features must be supplied:


JavaScript does not have built-in support for modules, but the community has created impressive work-arounds. The two most popular standards are:

In the middle of 2015, TC39 have accepted the new standard ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) which supports built-in modules through the new syntax.

CommonJS example

// helper/MathHelper.js
module.exports = {
  add: function(left, right) {
    return left + right;

  times: function(left, right) {
    return left * right;
// program.js
var mathHelper = require('./helper/MathHelper');

console.log(mathHelper.add(5, 8)); // 13
console.log(mathHelper.times(3, 4)); // 12

AMD example

// helper/MathHelper.js
define(function() {
  return {
    add: function(left, right) {
      return left + right;

    times: function(left, right) {
      return left * right;
// program.js
requirejs(['helper/MathHelper'], function(matHelper) {
  console.log(mathHelper.add(5, 8)); // 13
  console.log(mathHelper.times(3, 4)); // 12

ES6 example

// helper/MathHelper.js
export function add(left, right) {
  return left + right;

export function times(left, right) {
  return left * right;
// program.js
import { add, times } from './helper/MathHelper';

console.log(add(5, 8)); // 13
console.log(times(3, 4)); // 12

Module as a design pattern

The Module pattern can be considered a creational pattern and a structural pattern. It manages the creation and organization of other elements, and groups them as the structural pattern does.

An object that applies this pattern can provide the equivalent of a namespace, providing the initialization and finalization process of a static class or a class with static members with cleaner, more concise syntax and semantics.

It supports specific cases where a class or object can be considered structured, procedural data. And, vice versa, migrate structured, procedural data, and considered as object-oriented.
